For many, eating a gluten-free diet is a medical necessity and not a choice
As 8th May sees the start of Coeliac Awareness Week, we've pulled together some of our top products for foodservice that are making it easier to cater for coeliacs.
Even the smallest amounts of gluten can make someone with coeliac disease really ill, and for some this allergy includes oats as well. That's right; although most oat products are labelled as gluten free, some coeliacs can also be allergic to a protein found in oats, so oats are not always a safe substitute.
So, when handling the most common food products that contain gluten in the kitchen, such as flour and bread (and anything therefore containing breadcrumbs, traditional wheat flour or other cereals such as rye and barley) it's important to think about cross contamination and if you can safely cater for someone with Coeliac disease. Rice, corn and potato-based products are all safe options when gluten is off limits.
For more advice for chefs on catering for gluten-free diets
Read this article from Premier's Louise Wagstaffe.
Good news! Gluten-free cakes, desserts and pastries in particular are getting better all the time and easier to come by

For example, we stock 20 different products from The Handmade Cake company alone which are all gluten free, and a number of different frozen gluten-free desserts and pastries that are all aimed at foodservice customers.
A product which may not immediately stand out as containing gluten is gravy. But these days Bisto (and many other gravy brands) offer gluten-free alternatives - so you might want to consider only using gluten-free products going forward, to cut down on the number of different items you are ordering and handling in your kitchen.
Browse our gluten-free range now
Whether you’re looking for gluten-free flour, pasta, cake mix, desserts, fish batter mix, pizza bases, fish goujons or fish fingers - more and more gluten-free options are coming into the foodservice industry all the time.
With more choice and awareness than ever before, it is getting easier for operators to safely cater for gluten intolerances and allergies.