Keep warm this winter with some fantastic
herbs & spices suggestions from Biona Organic

Kickin' Chilli
Did you know the sensation of mouth-heat you get from chilli is actually the activation of pain receptors in the tongue? Keep to light dashes for more warmth than burn!
Roaring roots
Add some sizzle to your supper with a shaving, slice or squeeze of one of these blazing roots...
- Turmeric. Golden orange, thanks to the prevalence of plant pigment curcumin, this unassuming little root has been hailed as an anti-inflammatory superfood. Its nutty, bitter fragrance is often infused into winter recipes to bring warmth to the dish.
- Ginger. The more common of the roots, ginger can be found in many forms and has an exuberance that brings to life all manner of dishes and drinks. Gingery bite can spice up a soothing honey and lemon drink, fire up a curry or lend warmth to your favourite cake.
- Wasabi. A Japanese cooking mainstay, wasabi’s prevalence is testament to its blazing flavour. Dried and ground to a powder and then added to water to create a paste, potent wasabi will add heat to any dish instantly.
- Horseradish. This is a favourite of traditional English cuisine, spicing up Sunday lunches the country over. You could always break with tradition and try it paired with asparagus in a creamy pasta sauce, instead.

Evocative spices
Summon the sense memory of cosy fireside lounges and bustling family kitchens with winter spices to comfort and relax. Think cinnamon sticks in hot chocolate, heavily spiced chai teas, delicate star anise in a bubbling stew, the earthy scent of cumin-roasted almonds.
Hot herbs
Fennel, basil, thyme and coriander are at the more warming end of the herbarium and add heat, either sprinkled fresh onto salads, at the end of cooking, or dried at the beginning.